Exposing the Rot: Auditor General Nancy Gathungu’s Unyielding Crusade Against Corruption

Exposing the Rot: Auditor General Nancy Gathungu’s Unyielding Crusade Against Corruption

In a landscape marred by corruption and mismanagement, one figure stands resolute: Nancy Gathungu, the Auditor General of Kenya. Her relentless audits have unearthed a staggering amount of financial malfeasance within various government institutions. Through her diligence, she has revealed a mind-blowing total of over 1 trillion shillings ($7.8 billion USD) in misappropriated funds. This amount includes both borrowed funds and allocations to public institutions.

Here are some bulletins of her most shocking revelations:

The Vanishing Act: 1.1 Trillion Shillings in Borrowed Funds

Between 2010 and 2021, the Kenyan government failed to account for Sh1.1 trillion in borrowed funds. This includes 13 expensive loans and sovereign bonds (out of 39 total loans) for which the government cannot demonstrate funded projects. Furthermore, 26 project funding loans were taken out illegally, bypassing legal opinion requirements.

Bad Deals by Unqualified Officials

Unqualified government officials have been striking disastrous deals when borrowing money from other countries. Without proper homework or expert advice, these officials ended up with loans that are both expensive and restrictive, placing a heavy burden on taxpayers.

Public Universities’ Missing Billions

In a new scandal, over Sh14 billion of taxpayers’ money remains unaccounted for in Kenyan public universities. The audit revealed these institutions failed to provide satisfactory accounts of fund utilization.

Irregular Land Allocation at Malindi Airport

The KPA irregularly allocated land at Malindi Airport, measuring 0.89 hectares, to a church organization and another plot to a petroleum company.

Overstaffing at the NYS

The NYS is significantly overstaffed, particularly in senior positions. The report indicates 30 individuals are employed as Assistant Directors, despite only 14 such positions existing. This means 16 people are being paid for roles that don’t exist.

NHIF’s Fake Claims

According to the Auditor General’s 2023 report, Sh9 billion was swindled from the now-defunct NHIF last year, including Sh9,968,332 paid for 1,009 fake claims.

The Disappearing Fertilizer

A fresh report reveals that 564 tonnes of fertilizer donated by Russia to Kenya last year disappeared in transit.

NHIF’s Typing Errors

NHIF claims it lost Sh368 million due to “typing errors,” with no evidence of where the money went. The Auditor General revealed NHIF paid Sh815 million for hospital claims totaling only Sh447 million in the past year.

Irregular Oil Charges

Kenyan oil marketers charged customers an extra Sh5.4 billion in irregular delay charges between April 2021 and June 2022. The audit reveals that Sh3.2 billion was charged through pump prices and Sh2.2 billion for “administrative costs,” approved by a government committee but not based on any law.

The Hustler Fund’s Mismanagement

The Hustler Fund disbursed Sh465 million to 809,351 Kenyans who were not registered for the financial service within the first seven months of its operation.

National Housing Corporation’s Irregularities

Significant financial and administrative irregularities plague the National Housing Corporation, including Sh3.2 billion in unsold houses, some completed years ago; no ownership documents for 48 parcels of land; and Sh400 million in unpaid tenant purchase loans.

Expired Sugar Scandal

KRA released condemned sugar to the market, despite it being expired. Two sets of sugar were released, with one batch of 240 50kg bags intercepted.

Smart Driving Licence Project Mismanagement

Sh1.2 billion is missing in Kenya’s smart driving licence project. Out of Sh2.03 billion worth of smart cards, those worth Sh788 million are unused due to mismanagement at NTSA.

Ministry of Health’s Payroll Violations

The Ministry of Health paid Sh766 million in salaries outside the official payroll system, violating Treasury directives. Additionally, Sh214 million was spent to send 50 doctors to study Family Medicine abroad, without evidence that the course was unavailable in Kenya.

National Cancer Institute’s Irregularities

Significant financial irregularities have been discovered at the National Cancer Institute, including Sh33 million in unverifiable expenditures, Sh25 million in unsupported travel allowances, and Sh17 million in undocumented bank balances.

Nancy Gathungu’s tireless work highlights a system riddled with corruption and inefficiency. Her findings underscore the urgent need for accountability and reform in Kenya’s public institutions. As she continues her mission, one can only hope that her revelations will lead to meaningful change and restore public trust in government operations.

The official reports can be viewed on the National Government audit reports website here: https://www.oagkenya.go.ke/national-government-audit-reports/


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