$$How my blog stats performed in 2019

Although I have been blogging for quite some time, I officially started this blog in the month of February 2019. It is approximately a year since, and so I decided to share my blog statistics with you. In this article, I will be sharing statistical data on my website visits, post views and also the revenue that I managed to generate in the year ended 2019.


From February to December 2019, I managed to post only 25 posts. This number as you might have guessed is not that big. If you do the math, it translates to two posts per month on average. Mind you, I published most of my posts between March and May. In June, July and August, I published at most one article per month. For the rest bit of the year: September to December, I did not publish a single blog post.

Post Views

The year 2019 was a “go slow” for my blog, mainly because I was not aggressive on marketing. No matter how good a product is, without marketing, it will slowly die out and vanish from the market. My total post views for the year was 2606. This means that I had an average of 217 views each month as illustrated in the image below.

This, however, was a great improvement from the previous year, where I had only 200 views.

stats 2020


I used multiple channels for my blog stats marketing. These channels include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Email Marketing, Quora, BucketBuff, WhatsApp and word of mouth. In case you are interested in learning how to market your blog, you can do so by reading my article on https://elidayjuma.com/ten-blog-traffic-sources-to-consider/. Apart from Facebook, all the other channels were free and I did not spend a dime on them. On average, the budget for running my ads on Facebook was $2 per day and I had them running for about 30 days spread across the entire year. By the way, if you have not read my article on “How to Monetize your Blog”, you can do so in this link. https://elidayjuma.com/how-to-make-money-with-your-website/.


Apart from sharing quality content on my blog post, I also had the intention of making money. Despite not marketing my blog aggressively, I managed to make some cash. My total revenue was $165. 100% of this revenue came from affiliate sales. The funny bit is that I only closed two deals: one was worth $60 and the other one was worth $100.

Here is a screenshot from my affiliate account that earned me the revenue.

pay 2020


2020 is a new episode. I am optimistic about improving these statistics because there is still some spacious room for improvement. As we start the year, I’d recommend that you also start a blog and start earning some passive income. No matter how small, you can always scale up by putting in some more effort. Keep coming back for more content and don’t forget to comment and share the blog stats post with your circle.

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